The flexibility and low specific cost investment of gas turbines have made them to be popular as power generating system over the last decades. One of the essential requirements in the study of gas turbine is accurate modeling which is required in the study of power system stability. This paper has presented performance improvement of gas turbine speed using Model Predictive Control (MPC). In order to study the speed control of a gas turbine of 25 MW capacity, the nominal and operational data were obtained and dynamic modeling and design were carried out. The values obtained were used for simulation for nominal operating condition in MATLAB/Simulink environment. The resulting speed response with respect to unit constant input before the introduction of the MPC controller was not able to track the desired speed level at full load assuming no load torque. An MPC controller was designed and added to the speed control loop of gas turbine. Simulation was conducted and the result obtained indicated that the MPC controller enables the desired speed to be optimally tracked with improved transient response performance from settling time of 53.7 seconds to 10.33 seconds (80.8% improvement) while achieving a peak percentage overshoot of 0.82% peak overshoot and steady state error of 0.007 p.u.
Gas turbine, MPC, Power stability, Speed control
IRE Journals:
Inaibo, D. S. , Tamukunu, B. J.
"Performance Improvement of Gas Turbine Speed Using Model Predictive Control" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 5 Issue 1 2021 Page 373-383
Inaibo, D. S. , Tamukunu, B. J.
"Performance Improvement of Gas Turbine Speed Using Model Predictive Control" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 5(1)