The global pandemic of the Corona virus (COVID19) has resulted in extraordinary losses and disruptions. No country has been spared the brunt of it, from developed to developing. We have examined the impact of COVID19 on India's economy and society so far in this study. On the basis of available literature, an effect assessment is made on all three sectors—primary, secondary, and service—as well as the influence on migrants, health, poverty, job losses, the informal sector, the environment, and so on. Every sector of the economy has been disproportionately impacted, and even within each sector, there has been a disproportionate loss. Job losses, mental illness, increased domestic violence, and other societal consequences are all severe. Some significant benefits can be seen in terms of enhanced air quality, water quality, and wildlife, but the long-term viability of such effects is dependent on post-COVID and people's habits, as well as future environmental regulations.
Unemployment, corona-virus, Indian Economy, socio-economic, sectors.
IRE Journals:
Prasoon Gupta , Dr. Suneet Kumar Singh
"An Assessment of Socio Economic Impact on Different Sectors during COVID 19 in India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 6 2020 Page 92-98
Prasoon Gupta , Dr. Suneet Kumar Singh
"An Assessment of Socio Economic Impact on Different Sectors during COVID 19 in India" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(6)