Ayurveda is not only a science of longevity but also have spiritual aspects. The equilibrium of health is achieved by the proper acquaintance of Tridosha, Sapta Dahatu, Trimalas and proper co-ordinance with sense organs and Manas. Here the Manas refers the mind. The clarity of the mind is achieved by the balance in the Satva, Raja and Tama Gunas. The imbalance in these attributes leads to psychological as well as somatic diseases. In Ayurveda the psychological disorders refers to Manasa Rogas. Viz; Unmada, Apasmara, Chittodvega, Atatvabhinivesha, Vishada, etc. This imbalance in the attributes leads to Dhi, Dhriti and Smriti Vibhramsha ie the mind unable to recognize the which is good and which is bad. To attain the Samyak Jnana. Ayurveda enumerated various kinds of formulations. In these formulations most of them are Ghrita preparations. Because the Ghrita crosses the blood brain barrier,and gives the desired effect. Among these Ghrita preparation the Maha Paishachika Ghrita is majorly used by our ancestors. The main ingredients of these Ghrita are; Jatamansi, Haritaki, Bhutakeshi, Carati(Kumbhi), Markati(Shoka Shimbhi), Vacha, Trayamana, Jaya(Jayanti), Veera(Ksheera Kakoli or Shalaparni), Choraka, Katuka Rohini, Kayastha(Sookshma Ela), Shukari(Varahikanda), Chatra(Madhurika), Atichatra(Shatapushpa), Palankasha(Guggulu), Mahapurusha Danta(Shatavari), Vayastha(Bramhi), Nakuli, Gandhanakuli(Rasna), Katambara (Katabhi), Vrischikali, Shalaparni. The prepared Ghrita is administered with milk and also administered as Nasya ie through nasal route and through the rectal route in the form of medicated enema. Here an attempt is made to highlight the formulation, ingredients, their botanical source, preparation, its administration. The Maha Paishachika Ghrita is advised to consume daily with warm milk to avoid psychological disorders.
Ayurveda, Manas, Triguna, Maha Paishachika Ghrita, Manasa Rogas, Psychological disorders etc.
IRE Journals:
Dr. Umakant N. Rabb , Dr. Amol Desai , Dr. Dhiraj K. Patil
"A Review on Maha Paishachika Ghrita - An Ayurvedic Formulation Used In Psychiatric Disorders" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 4 Issue 5 2020 Page 10-16
Dr. Umakant N. Rabb , Dr. Amol Desai , Dr. Dhiraj K. Patil
"A Review on Maha Paishachika Ghrita - An Ayurvedic Formulation Used In Psychiatric Disorders" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 4(5)