In recent years the crime related to vehicle theft has been a tremendous rise with intruders becoming smarter every day. As we know in serious crimes stolen vehicles are used that results in loss of life or physical injuries. This generates a crucial need for an effective vehicle theft diagnosis system. In this project, a compact, cheap and efficient system is studied, designed and explored using Raspberry Pi 3 as the core processing unit of the whole system. We are using the MEMS accelerometer sensor which is placed on the vehicle. First the key is inserting in key slot and it will be detected and if engine of car is started then owner will receive a message indicating that the engine is started using Global System for Mobile communication (GSM). We are also looking to rash driving situation. When driver is driving on high speed and taking dangerous drift it is detected by MEMS sensor placed on car then alert message is sent to the owner. This device functions in two modes which are user mode and theft mode. This paper explores the possibility of a compact, viable, cheap and efficient vehicle theft detection system
IR Sensor, Raspberry -Pi, GSM, Switch, MEMS ADxL 345, 16X2 LCD
IRE Journals:
Krutika Patil , Madhura Vajarekar , Meera Yadate , T. N. Sawant
"Vehicle Theft Detection Using GSM on Raspberry Pi" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 119-124
Krutika Patil , Madhura Vajarekar , Meera Yadate , T. N. Sawant
"Vehicle Theft Detection Using GSM on Raspberry Pi" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)