Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) system has been adjudged to be the most acceptable corrosion mitigation procedure today. Integrity of ICCP systems depends among other important factors on the Anode material. Platinize-Titanium base materials were found to be the best anodes in ICCP systems but with high importation cost. In order to improve local contents and foreign exchange, an investigation was carried out on the potentials of locally produced anodes for ICCP system. Four Anodes were produced from different materials for this purpose. An aggressive environment was simulated by saturating soil with 1M solution of NaCl to form corrosion cells.A set of steel Pipe and Anode were buried in four different corrosion cells powered with direct current source to represent an ICCP system where the Anode performances were monitored in terms of depletion period, level of corrosion protection offered to the steel pipes and general electrochemical behavior of both the Pipes and the Anodes. Readings of the simulated corrosion cells environments’ pH, pipe-to-soil potentials based on Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode, open circuit voltages and temperature were taken on daily basis. The test lasted for twenty-one days with the Anode from Lead material exhibited a good protection quality by showing only 10.22% depletion in comparison to the Copper based and Aluminum based Anodes. From the results, it was concluded that Pb-based Anode produced locally can be a good candidate for ICCP system in aggressive environments.
Anode Materials, Corrosion Mitigation, Impressed Current Cathodic Protection,Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode, Locally Produced Anode, Pipe-to-Soil Potential, Simulated Aggressive Environment.
IRE Journals:
M. A. Bawa , M. H. Ibrahim , A. U. Babuje , E. E. Akabuike
"Investigation on the Potentials of locally Produced Anodes for Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Pipelines in Aggressive Environment." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 11 2020 Page 80-85
M. A. Bawa , M. H. Ibrahim , A. U. Babuje , E. E. Akabuike
"Investigation on the Potentials of locally Produced Anodes for Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Pipelines in Aggressive Environment." Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(11)