In most of the failure cases, the soil does not have sufficient strength & bearing capacity to sustain under traffic load, natural disasters (earthquake, heavy rain, flood, landslides), structure. So, attempt is to modify & improve the properties of Lateritic Soil by adding fly ash, RBI Grade 81, bottom fly ash etc.Fly ash & RBI Grade 81 materials are used where fly ash is industrial waste or byproduct & RBI-81 stand for Road Building International which is a soil stabilizer. To check the influence of fly ash & RBI-81 on index & engineering properties, we have performed laboratory tests regarding core cutter method, oven dry method, sieve analysis, density bottle test, liquid limit, plastic limit also MDD, compaction test, triaxial test, CBR tests with the help of available laboratory equipments. RBI-81 & Fly Ash are used in varying percentages from 1% to 5% by weight at optimum percentage of water.Hence, we concluded that the 4% of fly ash, 3% of RBI Grade 81 and 2% of combined sample fly ash & RBI Grade 81 are found to be appropriate in order to achieve the objectives of our project i.e. to improve properties and bearing capacity of locally available lateritic soil. In present investigation, we have obtained optimum percentages of fly ash and RBI Grade 81 required for sub-base regarding IRC recommendation.From graphical representation, Fly Ash sample gives increment in CBR value by 13.62% than untested soil sample, whereas RBI-81 shows 26.49% & combination sample gives 24.69% increment in CBR value. By observation, it can be concluded that addition of RBI-81 has found to be greater in % of improvement value than fly ash and combination sample. Therefore, RBI-81 is more economical than Fly ash & combination sample (fly ash+RBI-81). From above summary, we can conclude that addition of Fly Ash & RBI Grade 81 on lateritic soil has improved its properties resulting improvement in soil’s bearing capacity.
Bearing capacity,CBR, Fly ash, Lateritic soil, MDD, RBI Grade 81, stability
IRE Journals:
Priyanka Pandhare , Vinayak Niwate , Prathamesh Paradkar , Swapnaj Ghanekar , Prof. Nagaraj H. Koppa
"The Comparative Study of Fly Ash & RBI Grade 81 on Lateritic Soil" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 10 2020 Page 285-290
Priyanka Pandhare , Vinayak Niwate , Prathamesh Paradkar , Swapnaj Ghanekar , Prof. Nagaraj H. Koppa
"The Comparative Study of Fly Ash & RBI Grade 81 on Lateritic Soil" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(10)