The purpose of studying human resources in the agricultural sector is needed and HR sources of educational development of farmers. Literature study has been conducted as a method where selected articles and reports have been used as a platform to discuss human resource management as related to education and development. The result of the study indicates that to prepare the agricultural workforce to meet the new challenges we need a more educational, technical skills, soft skills, and proper knowledge of different method to carry out while training communication, openness, various kind of policy at global level and national level, collaboration both public and private sectors and motivating their entrepreneurial spirit seems to be success in developing human resource management in agricultural sector.
IRE Journals:
Aishwarya Shinde
"Human Resource Management In Agricultural Sector" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 9 2020 Page 134-135
Aishwarya Shinde
"Human Resource Management In Agricultural Sector" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(9)