Culture is a way of life of a people living together. Culture of societies and their expressions from society to society are universal and parts of human existence. The benefits ascribed to sports are in various dimensions. For example; sport is one culture that has the capacity of developing mind and body in a man as a sound body thrives well in a sound mind. Sport according to experts is a part of total educational process, which connotes more than just playing an outdoor recreation, athletics or game of skills for which prizes are won. It is now, is a cultural phenomenon of great magnitude and complexity, having both positive and negative consequences for individuals and the community at large. Sport is an aspect of education, which caters for the whole man and also helps to build up a nation. It is indeed, an academic discipline and an integral part of educational system. Researchers are of the view that sport, since participants learn rules and regulation of sports, put them into practice, adhere to them so much that they become part and parcel of them and also display ethical behaviour whether they are alone or not, seen or not seen by other people, then it must have immense educational benefits. Consequently, this study therefore, conceptually reviewed adolescents? sports participation culture and its inherent educational benefits.
Adolescents, sports participation, culture, educational, benefits.
IRE Journals:
"Conceptual Review Of Adolescents Sports Participation Culture And Its Inherent Educational Benefits" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 9 2020 Page 136-140
"Conceptual Review Of Adolescents Sports Participation Culture And Its Inherent Educational Benefits" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(9)