The aim of this experimental investigation is to find the flexural behavior of ferro cement slab. Fly ash and GGBS are completely replaced instead of cement. The cement is the most important material in the construction sector. But the cement production from the manufacturing units affects the environment, due to the emission of CO2 and green house effect. GGBS is an alternative construction material, produced by the chemical action of inorganic molecules. It is produced as a by-product from iron industries. GGBS shows a greener substitute for Ordinary Portland Cement. Fly ash, a by-product of coal obtained from the thermal power plant is abundantly available worldwide. Fly ash which is rich with silica and alumina activated with alkaline activators form alumino-silicate gel that acts as the binding material for the concrete. It is an excellent alternative construction material to normal concrete without any amount of ordinary Portland cement. The presence of Nano silica contributed to the improvement of compressive strength and split tensile strength.
GGBS, Nano-silica, fly ash, alumino-silicate gel, compressive strength, split-tensile strength
IRE Journals:
Vaishna C K
"Flexural Behavior Of Ferro Cement Slab By Using GGBS And Nano Silica" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 9 2020 Page 1-5
Vaishna C K
"Flexural Behavior Of Ferro Cement Slab By Using GGBS And Nano Silica" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(9)