Generation Of Electricity From Ocean
  • Author(s): Kapil Singh Chirania
  • Paper ID: 1701888
  • Page: 134-136
  • Published Date: 25-01-2020
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 7 January-2020

Electricity has now become the fourth basic need of humans. The buoyant moored device basically is a floating type device which uses the rise and fall of the swells to drive the pumps and is responsible for the conversion of energy in ocean waves to electrical energy.An over topping system uses the pumped fluid to fill the reservoir at a level higher than surrounding ocean. The potential energy thus available in the reservoir is captured by the low head turbines which further generates the electricity. The discussion covers the design, assembly and performance calculation of the buoyant moored device along with over topping system. This paper comprises the working and information of the main components of the system. The price of fossil fuel is rising day by day because of its scarcity in nature. As the operating cost of sea wave power plant is low and uses a renewable source of energy, it is possible to produce power at low price. Existing hydro static power plant needs dam. This is very harmful for environmental ecology and lives diversity. But this proposed plant does not require any dam or any other hazardous construction and this also reduces the installation cost. However it is reliable, sustainable, environmentally friendly power extraction procedure from sea wave


IRE Journals:
Kapil Singh Chirania "Generation Of Electricity From Ocean" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 7 2020 Page 134-136

Kapil Singh Chirania "Generation Of Electricity From Ocean" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(7)