Structural Analysis Of Chassis Frame For Solar Car
  • Author(s): Dr. Htay Htay Win ; Nang Hsu Thandar Ko
  • Paper ID: 1701566
  • Page: 534-542
  • Published Date: 26-08-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 3 Issue 2 August-2019

Automotive chassis is an important part of an automobile. The chassis serves as a frame work for supporting the body and different parts of the automobile. Also, it has to withstand the shock, twist, vibration and other stresses caused due to sudden braking, acceleration, road condition and forces induced by its components. When the loads acting on chassis, weight, loads and equivalent stresses are generated that can because failure occurred. So, maximum bending stress, and deflection are important criteria for the design of the chassis. This research is the work performed towards the optimization of the automotive chassis with constraints of maximum bending stress, maximum shear stress, von-Mises stress and deflection of chassis under maximum load. The solar car for C cross section chassis with three different materials namely, structural steel AISI 1030, AISI 1020 and Alloy Steel. In this research, structural steel AISI 1030 is more strength and less deformation than other two materials. The result of side longitudinal rail for optimum dimensions are outside depth 0.076m, outside width 0.05m, thickness 0.003m, inside depth 0.07m, inside width 0.047m respectively. The result of C cross-section type for cross member dimensions are outside width 0.032m, outside depth 0.07m, thickness 0.003m, inside width 0.029m, inside depth 0.064m. The result of von-Mises stress is 202.4 MN/m2 and deflection 0.00189m for structural steel AISI 1030. SolidWorks software is used for modelling and analysis of stress on chassis frame.


Chassis frame, Bending, Deflection, Materials, Shear stress


IRE Journals:
Dr. Htay Htay Win , Nang Hsu Thandar Ko "Structural Analysis Of Chassis Frame For Solar Car" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 534-542

Dr. Htay Htay Win , Nang Hsu Thandar Ko "Structural Analysis Of Chassis Frame For Solar Car" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)