The automobile plays an important role in the transportation system. With an increase in population and living standard, the transport vehicles as well as car population is increasing day by day and this leads to increase in pollution. Petroleum-based fossil fuels are the dominant energy source for transportation. Recently, ethanol is being increasingly used as a fuel additive and is emerging as an alternative to carbon-neutral transportation. This thesis reviews the serviceability of ethanol as a clean, cheap and renewable substitute fuel for spark ignition engines and discusses the comparative chemical and physical properties of ethanol and gasoline fuels. The differences in the properties of ethanol and gasoline fuels are sufficient to create a significant change during the combustion phase of engine operation and affect the performance of spark-ignition engines. Furthermore, the effects of ethanol, and its blends with gasoline fuel, engine performance parameters and emission characteristics have been highlighted.
combustion, emission, ethanol, gasoline, SI engine.
IRE Journals:
Kyaw Myat Moe , Kyi Kyi Swe , Zar Chi Thaung
"Comparative Analysis Of Combustion And Emission Of Ethanol And Gasoline On SI Engine" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 427-432
Kyaw Myat Moe , Kyi Kyi Swe , Zar Chi Thaung
"Comparative Analysis Of Combustion And Emission Of Ethanol And Gasoline On SI Engine" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)