The paper is on development of device for the measurement of draught force during tillage operation that data can be used for analysis and explains some of soil dynamic. The draught force device consists of ?S? load cell, load cell amplifier and 24 bit serial output analog-to-digital converter, micro controller, micro SD card, and liquid crystal display (LCD). The load cell was attached to form link between the tractor and plough tool carriage. As plough is lowered and move it drag or pull the carrying plough and dynamic change in force of pulling is detected by load cell corresponding quantified value is measured by 24 bit load cell amplifier, HX711. The micro controller process the e result store data and display the information on LCD. The instrument has the maximum capacity of 100 kN of draught force that can measure. The resolution for draught force is 0.001 N. Errors estimated for each parameter is ±0.04 N.
Draught force, tillage, microcontroller, load cell, soil dynamic
IRE Journals:
Ewetumo Theophilus , Obagade Thompson Adeeumi
"Development Of Microsoft Base Draught Force Instrumental On Tillage Operation" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 476-480
Ewetumo Theophilus , Obagade Thompson Adeeumi
"Development Of Microsoft Base Draught Force Instrumental On Tillage Operation" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)