A number of prior studies on engineering education has shown that engineering graduates nowadays are expected to be excellent in a wider range of skills and attributes such as communication, problem solving and management skills than the technical proficiency that was previously necessitated. This paper demonstrates the outcomes of a survey directed to the civil engineering students from Technological University (Myitkyina) with the objective of examining their confidence on generic attributes and skills that are vital in the dynamic and challenging world of engineering industry in the 21st century. Through this study, the students were able to reflect themselves, recognize their strengths and deficiencies and be prepared for the workplace.
Confidence Index, Civil Engineering Students, Skills and Attributes
IRE Journals:
Thet Thet Aung , H Seng Naw Aung , MU HWA MEE
"Self-Confidence Of Civil Engineering Students On Generic Skills And Attributes Vital For Engineering Industry" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 302-307
Thet Thet Aung , H Seng Naw Aung , MU HWA MEE
"Self-Confidence Of Civil Engineering Students On Generic Skills And Attributes Vital For Engineering Industry" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)