This paper presents the analysis of diode clipper and clamper circuits that are commonly used in analog television receivers and FM transmitters. Different configurations of diode clipper circuits and clamper circuits are designed and analyzed through simulation results. Ordinary diodes, Zener diodes, resistors and capacitors are used as circuit elements and circuit analyses are performed with the help of Multisim software.
diode clipper circuits, clamper circuits, Simulation, Multisim Software
IRE Journals:
Moh Moh Khaing , Yi Lay Nge , Khin Thandar Oo
"STUDY AND ANALYSIS OF CLIPPER AND CLAMPER CIRCUITS" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 297-301
Moh Moh Khaing , Yi Lay Nge , Khin Thandar Oo
"STUDY AND ANALYSIS OF CLIPPER AND CLAMPER CIRCUITS" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)