This paper presents performance analysis of double-suction centrifugal pump. It is commercial and the most useful mechanical rotodynamics machine in fluid works which is used in domestic, irrigation, industry, large plants and river water pumping system in Myanmar. Moreover, centrifugal pumps are produced by manufacturing processes in Myanmar. In this research, the pump is driven by a 334 kW electric motor and its speed is 1450 rpm. The design data are taken from the Twingyi Pump Irrigation project, Myaung Township, Sagaing Region with the nominal flow of 25 m3/min, 45m of head and backward curved blades impeller. Moreover the losses which can appear in it are also found out to predict the operating point. Moreover the losses which can appear in it are also found out to predict the operating point. So, shock losses, impeller friction losses, volute friction losses, disk friction losses and re-circulation losses of centrifugal pump are also considered in performance
IRE Journals:
Dr. Htay Htay Win , Dr.Than Than Htike , Ma Aye Aye Myo
"Performance Prediction Of Centrifugal Pump" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 12-19
Dr. Htay Htay Win , Dr.Than Than Htike , Ma Aye Aye Myo
"Performance Prediction Of Centrifugal Pump" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)