In Electronic trading buyers and sellers are involved in business activities through electronic media and not by directly physical contact. Electronic trading gives a virtual market place in which negotiation is a fundamental component. The exiting e-trading has not been addressed the critical risks of missing out offers on top utility that expire before client?s negotiation deadline. In order to deal with this problems, we propose a framework that based on mobile-agent and secure one-to-many bilateral e-trade negotiation this framework effectively handles the risk of losing top utility offers. It also maximizes client?s utility by considering various temporal constraints. Efficiently manages the risk of losing top utility offers and maximizes client?s utility taking into account various temporal constraints. Theoretical and experimental analysis of the proposed system is performed. Proposed strategy?s performance is evaluated in terms of client?s utility and negotiation time and compared them with two baseline negotiation methods. The experimental result shows that the proposed strategy increases client?s utility, minimizes negotiation time, and make sure adequate market search. Proofs of validity of the proposed utility function are presented. The security protocol is formally verified and the verification shows that the protocol is free of security flaws and hence, negotiation data are secured.
bilateral, electronic trading, one-to-many, negotiation, utility
IRE Journals:
Bhabad Vasant Madhav , Shinde Bipin Balu , Wakchaure Sushma Laxman
"Time Efficient Secure Negotiation In E-trading" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 12 2019 Page 224-228
Bhabad Vasant Madhav , Shinde Bipin Balu , Wakchaure Sushma Laxman
"Time Efficient Secure Negotiation In E-trading" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(12)