Bevel gears are used to transmit the power between two intersecting shafts at almost any angle or speed.In automobiles and other wheeled vehicles, the differential allows each of the driving road wheels to rotate at different speeds, while for most vehicles supplying equal torque to each of them. In this paper, bevel gears in differential of Toyota Hilux 2L 2GD- FTV engine are designed under structural condition when the differential gear ratio is 3.583 at maximum torque 400Nm @ 2000 rpm.This 3D model differential is designed by using solid works software. And then, differential for the teaching aid is fabricated by using Additive Manufacturing Technology.
Differential, Bevel Gear, Solid Works, Additive Manufacturing, Teaching Aid
IRE Journals:
Swe Zin Nyunt , Zar Chi Thaung , Aung Hein Latt
"Design Of Differential For Automobile Teaching Aid" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 3 Issue 2 2019 Page 37-42
Swe Zin Nyunt , Zar Chi Thaung , Aung Hein Latt
"Design Of Differential For Automobile Teaching Aid" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 3(2)