The main objective of this research was to determine the development needs of the faculty of Cebu Technological University with the end in view of developing a faculty development program. Specifically, it sought to determine the profile of the respondents and the development needs of the faculty in terms of: instructional development, professional development, organizational development, career development, and personal development. Using the descriptive survey method and with the aid of a researcher-made questionnaire, the following findings were established: 1) as to the profile of the respondents,majority of them were in the 31-40 year old age bracket, majority were females, majority were married, 40% had a doctorate degree, majority had instructor ranks than professor ranks, most were given designations in addition to their teaching load, and majority of the respondents had less than 5 years of teaching experience; 2) instructional development, professional development, and personal development were highly needed, while organizational development and career development were needed.
development needs, instructional development, professional development, organizational development, career development, personal development
IRE Journals:
Adeline P. Dela Cruz
"The Development Needs of Cebu Technological University Faculty: Towards A Faculty Development Program" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 11 2019 Page 375-397
Adeline P. Dela Cruz
"The Development Needs of Cebu Technological University Faculty: Towards A Faculty Development Program" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(11)