India has a vast supply of renewable energy resources, and it has one of the largest programs in the world for deploying renewable energy products and systems. Indeed, it is the only country in the world to have an exclusive ministry for renewable energy development, the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES). Since its formation, the Ministry has launched one of the world?s largest and most ambitious programs on renewable energy. This paper presents an overview of various renewable energy sources such as solar power, wind power, small hydro power (SHP), Biomass Power (BP), Geothermal Power (GP), Tidal Power (TP), Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion(OTEC), hydrogen fuel cell etc .This paper comprehensively elucidates why we are going towards RES ,their economic, social and environmental impact, challenges associated with RES and also suggests some recommendations in order to promote RES to ensure Sustainable Development.
Current Status, MNRE, New initiatives, Renewable Energy, Renewable energy Potential
IRE Journals:
Jaideep Rawal , Krishnanand
"Renewable Energy In India: Current Status And Future Prospects" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 8 2019 Page 170-175
Jaideep Rawal , Krishnanand
"Renewable Energy In India: Current Status And Future Prospects" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(8)