The Effects Of Design Methods On Compressive Members In Steel Frame Work
  • Paper ID: 1700943
  • Page: 86-94
  • Published Date: 16-02-2019
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 2 Issue 8 February-2019

The stability of frames rely remarkably on the effective length factors which depend on the end condition of column. Many design codes or approaches have provided values of these factors to be easily adopted by design engineers. However, the discrepancies from the various approaches have raised concern over the need for careful analysis of frames in order to evaluate the factors that will give a better and improved stability to the frame. From the study, the effects of the discrepancies in the effective length factors are not felt in short columns because such members fail by crushing but the effects are seriously felt on slender members or columns whose instability needed further examination. In order to study the instability of a slender column in a steel frame-work, three approaches of evaluating the effective length factors were considered and used in the design of an industrial non-sway (portal) frame namely; Wood?s method or approach, Euler?s method and BS 5950 method. BS 5950 and Euler?s effective length factors were provided while as Wood?s factors were computed or determined. From the study frame, Wood?s approach produced the least effective length factor of 0.68L followed by Euler?s with 0.707L and then BS 5950 with 0.85L. Thus, among the three approaches considered Wood?s approach gave the highest buckling load of 778.5kN, followed by Euler?s with 744.14kN and BS 5950 is the least with 579.4kN. Wood?s approach is more conservative because it involves the stiffness contribution of the neighbouring members or other framing members to the investigated column. Therefore, wood?s concept or approach should be adopted not only for multi-story frames but also for portal frames.


Compressive Members, Design Methods, Effective Length, Steel Frame, Multi Storey.


IRE Journals:
ILOEGBU LOTANNA B. , C. A. CHIDOLUE , A. C. EZEAGU "The Effects Of Design Methods On Compressive Members In Steel Frame Work" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 8 2019 Page 86-94

ILOEGBU LOTANNA B. , C. A. CHIDOLUE , A. C. EZEAGU "The Effects Of Design Methods On Compressive Members In Steel Frame Work" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(8)