Water, air and Sound pollution is well within the human perception, but esoteric pollution of frequency spectrum called Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) must address in today?s world of computerization where authors emphasize on high band width / high speed along with miniaturization of products. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is either a continuous or intermittent electromagnetic disturbance or electrical signal that, if not properly addressed, can be transmitted into, or out of, electronic equipment and can disturb the normal and intended operation of electronic systems. EMI is discernible across the entire electromagnetic spectrum and can be generated across either a narrow band or a broad spectrum of frequencies, with the more typical areas of interest extending from the low kHz range to the upper GHz range. Adverse effect if EMI have increased manifold so all the electrical and electronic products should be Electromagnetically Compatible (EMC). This paper reviews the aspect of EMI/EMC, Standards, testing and control requirement of EMC along with coupling mechanism and adverse effect of EMI/ EMC.
Electromagnetic Interference, EMI, EMC, Aspects of EMI
IRE Journals:
Prof. N. D. Mehta , Dr. A. M. Haque , Prof. Ashish P. Patel
"An Overview Of An Esoteric Pollution EMI- EMC" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 8 2019 Page 69-76
Prof. N. D. Mehta , Dr. A. M. Haque , Prof. Ashish P. Patel
"An Overview Of An Esoteric Pollution EMI- EMC" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(8)