Industrial, agricultural and domestic activities of humans have affected the environmental system, resulting in drastic problems such as wastewater containing high concentration of pollutants. The most important technologies are useful to waste water treatment such as coagulation, membrane technology filtration, ion exchange and advanced oxidation processes. However, most of them above depend on the substantial financial input and their use is restricted because of cost factors. The high cost of coal-based activated carbons has stimulated the search for cheaper alternatives. Various low cost adsorbent like Fullers earth can be used for removing of COD in waste water. The result were studied by mathematical modeling such as Rathi-Puranik model, Weber-Morri?s model and Lagregean model, which suggest that Rathi - Puranik model is more appropriate compare to Weber-Morri?s model and Lagregean model to predict the COD value at any time in a given system.
Waste water, COD, Activated carbon, Fullers earth
IRE Journals:
Sunil Valand , Devesh Singh , Sarthak Shah
"Adsorption Study For Removal Of COD From Waste Water Using Sustainable Adsorbent: Experimental And Modelling" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 7 2019 Page 111-116
Sunil Valand , Devesh Singh , Sarthak Shah
"Adsorption Study For Removal Of COD From Waste Water Using Sustainable Adsorbent: Experimental And Modelling" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(7)