Portland cement is a highly energy intensive material and continuous mining of sand causes environmental problem. Therefore, considerable effort is being made to find substitutes for partial replacement of cement and sand in concrete. This paper reports the results from experimental studies on the compressive strength and resistance to chloride ion penetration of bottom ash concrete (BAC) containing silica fume (SF) and bottom ash (BA). In this study the industrial wastes BA and SF in the proportions of 40% by volume of sand and 10% by volume of cement respectively. The mix proportions of BAC had water binder ratios of 0.3 to 0.5 and the volume of super plasticizer (SP) was kept constant for all the mixes. The concrete specimens were cured on normal moist curing under normal room temperature. The compressive strength and the resistance to chloride-ion penetration were measured at different ages up to 90 days. The results indicate that the concrete made with these proportions generally show excellent strength and durability properties. BAC made with silica fume and bottom ash was found to increase the compressive strength of concrete when compared to conventional concrete (CC). Moreover, the incorporation of bottom ash and silica fume in concrete increases the resistance to chloride ions and produced concrete with low permeability.
bottom ash, chloride permeability, replacement, silica fume, super plasticizer.
IRE Journals:
M. Purushothaman
"Effect Of Bottom Ash And Silica Fume On Compressive Strength And Resistance To Chloride Ion Penetration" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 2 Issue 6 2018 Page 75-80
M. Purushothaman
"Effect Of Bottom Ash And Silica Fume On Compressive Strength And Resistance To Chloride Ion Penetration" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 2(6)