Student Portal With 3 Level Password Authentication System
  • Author(s): Maddineni Anitha ; Mrs.B.Lakshmi Praveena ; J.Supriya ; T.Lakshmi Priya
  • Paper ID: 1700566
  • Page: 225-227
  • Published Date: 28-04-2018
  • Published In: Iconic Research And Engineering Journals
  • Publisher: IRE Journals
  • e-ISSN: 2456-8880
  • Volume/Issue: Volume 1 Issue 10 April-2018

The project is an authentication system that validates user for accessing the system only when they have input correct password. The project involves three levels of user authentication for student portal. There are varieties of password systems available, many of which have failed due to bat attacks while few have sustained it but to a limit. In short, almost all the passwords available today can be broken to a limit. Hence this project is aimed to achieve the highest security in authenticating users. It contains three logins having three different kinds of password system. The password difficulty increases with each level. Users have to input correct password for successful login. Users would be given privilege to set passwords according to their wish. The project comprises of text password i.e. passphrase, color password and pattern password for the three levels respectively.


Authentication, textual passwords, 3-level passwords, pattern, color pixel.


IRE Journals:
Maddineni Anitha , Mrs.B.Lakshmi Praveena , J.Supriya , T.Lakshmi Priya "Student Portal With 3 Level Password Authentication System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 10 2018 Page 225-227

Maddineni Anitha , Mrs.B.Lakshmi Praveena , J.Supriya , T.Lakshmi Priya "Student Portal With 3 Level Password Authentication System" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(10)