As with the increase inmodernization everything is being getting cloud based. From a some firms to multinational organization everyone is using cloud for storage and management of their data that can be use further to create, distribute, storage manage analysis or for supporting decision making through a centralized computing infrastructure. FOG Computing is an extension of cloud computing that deals with the decentralized computing infrastructure. In fog computing the data in distributed among various logical places between cloud and data source. As the data in decentralized which results in security issues for the storage and usage of data. This paper deals with various kinds of security and privacy issue in context of fog computing that will be helpful for securing the data in cloud in a efficient manner.
FOG Computing, Access Control
IRE Journals:
Shlok Roy , Ankita Jiyani
"Security And Privacy Issues Of FOG Computing: A Survey" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals Volume 1 Issue 9 2018 Page 107-109
Shlok Roy , Ankita Jiyani
"Security And Privacy Issues Of FOG Computing: A Survey" Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, 1(9)